ora2pg migration test
oracle to postgresql migration tool
어차피 function code는 검토해야하는 할테니, 사용할 만할 듯합니다.
데이터없이 스키마만 변경해본 내용입니다.
데이터는 COPY나 Insert 문으로 extract가능합니다.
manager에게 reporting한 내용…
For migrating with ora2pg, there are few concerns as follows.
Schema list
- For case-sensitivity, some schemas may need to be created with double-quotes. Need to check that both of the lower and upper case schemas are in use.
- There are locked schemas in Oracle database. Need to check if they need to be migrated.
- Synonym : not compatible
- Trigger
- AFTER LOGON ON TRIGGER – not compatible
- Need to verify the codes
- Package
- The packages will be migrated to the functions on separated schema named oracle package name. So the duplicated packages may need to be renamed.
- Need to verify the codes
- Column name
- Column name with reserved keyword need to be renamed.
- Ora2pg would generate incoherent scripts when it comes to case-sensitivity. We may need to verify the scripts regarding case-sensitivity.
- Date/Time Functions
- Oracle systimestamp is not compatible with postgresql. We may need to verify its functionality and switch to postgresql function. Share this: