MySQL Cluster Installation 4개의 노드로 구성된 cluster를 구축해보자.

1. Host 준비

  • 각각은 separate된 host computer으로 fixed network address가 할당된다.
Node IP Address
Management node (mgmd)
SQL node (mysqld)
Data node “A” (ndbd)
Data node “B” (ndbd)

2. MySQL Cluster Binary 본 준비

  • mysql-cluster-gpl-7.3.7-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz

3. SQL node 설치

3.1. mysql user 생성 (root user)

[root@testvm2 ~]# groupadd mysql
[root@testvm2 ~]# useradd -g mysql mysql
[root@testvm2 ~]# passwd mysql
  • mysql direcotry : /db/mysql
[root@testvm2 db]# tar -xzf mysql-cluster-gpl-7.3.7-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@testvm2 db]# ln -s mysql-cluster-gpl-7.3.7-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 mysql
[root@testvm2 db]# chown -R mysql. mysql
[root@testvm2 db]# chown -R mysql. mysql-cluster-gpl-7.3.7-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64

3.3. data directory 준비 및 mysql_install_db (root user)

  • data directory : /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm2 db]# mkdir -p /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm2 db]# chown -R mysql. /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm2 db]# cd mysql
[root@testvm2 mysql]# ./scripts/mysql_install_db --datadir=/data1/mysql-cluster --user=mysql

4. Data node 설치

  • Data node에는 mysqld binary는 필요없고 ndbd (single-threaded) or ndbmtd (multi-threaded) 만 있으면 된다. 이는 binary copy내에 존재한다.
  • data node testvm3,4 에서 다음 과정 수행.

4.1. mysql user 생성 (root user)

[root@testvm3 ~]# groupadd mysql
[root@testvm3 ~]# useradd -g mysql mysql
[root@testvm3 ~]# passwd mysql

4.2. directory 설정 (root user)

  • mysql direcotry : /db/mysql
  • data directory : /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm3 /]# mkdir -p /db/mysql/bin
[root@testvm3 /]# chown -R mysql. /db/mysql
[root@testvm3 /]# mkdir -p /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm3 /]# chown -R mysql. /data1/mysql-cluster/

4.3. SQL node에서 data node로 ndbd, ndbmtd 바이너리 copy (mysql user)

[mysql@testvm2 bin]$ scp ndbd ndbmtd testvm3:/db/mysql/bin
The authenticity of host 'testvm3 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 91:21:ef:c7:9b:52:2a:44:f3:8d:09:a0:69:bc:71:ac.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'testvm3,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
mysql@testvm3's password:
ndbd                                                                                                                                100%   28MB  27.7MB/s   00:00

5. Management node 설치

  • Management node에는 mysqld binary는 필요없고 Cluster management server (ndb_mgmd), the management client (ndb_mgm) 만 있으면 된다. 이는 binary copy내에 존재한다.

5.1. mysql user 생성 (root user)

[root@testvm1 ~]# groupadd mysql
[root@testvm1 ~]# useradd -g mysql mysql
[root@testvm1 ~]# passwd mysql

5.2. directory 설정 (root user)

[root@testvm1 ~]# mkdir -p /db/mysql/bin
[root@testvm1 ~]# chown -R mysql. /db/mysql
[root@testvm1 ~]# mkdir -p /data1/mysql-cluster
[root@testvm1 ~]# chown -R mysql. /data1/mysql-cluster/

5.3. SQL node에서 Management node로 ndb_mgmd, ndb_mgm 바이너리 copy (mysql user)

[mysql@testvm2 bin]$ scp ndb_mgmd ndb_mgm testvm1:/db/mysql/bin
The authenticity of host 'testvm1 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 91:21:ef:c7:9b:52:2a:44:f3:8d:09:a0:69:bc:71:ac.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'testvm1,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
mysql@testvm1's password:
ndb_mgmd                                                                                                               100%   15MB  15.4MB/s   00:00
ndb_mgm                                                                                                               100% 6964KB   6.8MB/s   00:00

6.Initial Configuration

  • 각 노드에 configuration file을 작성한다.
  • data node와 SQL node에는 my.cnf file이 필요하며, 이 configuration file에는 management node에 대한 connection string과 NDBCLUSTER storage engine을 활성화하는 라인이 들어간다.
  • management node는 config.ini file이 필요하며, 이 configuratio file에는 관리할 replica 개수, 각 data node에 할당할 memory size, data nodes 정보, 각 data node의 disk 정보, SQL nodes정보가 저장된다.

6.1. Configuring the SQL nodes (root user)

[mysql@testvm2 mysql]$ vi /etc/my.cnf
# Options for mysqld process:
ndbcluster                      # run NDB storage engine
basedir = /db/mysql
datadir = /data1/mysql-cluster
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

# Options for MySQL Cluster processes:
ndb-connectstring=  # location of management server

socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

6.2. Configuring the data nodes (root user)

[root@testvm3 etc]# vi /etc/my.cnf
# Options for mysqld process:
ndbcluster                      # run NDB storage engine

# Options for MySQL Cluster processes:
ndb-connectstring=  # location of management server

[root@testvm3 etc]# chown -R mysql. /etc/my.cnf

6.3. Configuring the management node. (root user)

[root@testvm1 etc]# vi /etc/config.ini
[ndbd default]
# Options affecting ndbd processes on all data nodes:
NoOfReplicas=2    # Number of replicas
DataMemory=80M    # How much memory to allocate for data storage
IndexMemory=18M   # How much memory to allocate for index storage
                  # For DataMemory and IndexMemory, we have used the
                  # default values. Since the "world" database takes up
                  # only about 500KB, this should be more than enough for
                  # this example Cluster setup.

# Management process options:
hostname=           # Hostname or IP address of MGM node
datadir=/data1/mysql-cluster  # Directory for MGM node log files

# Options for data node "A":
                                # (one [ndbd] section per data node)
hostname=           # Hostname or IP address
datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data   # Directory for this data node's data files

# Options for data node "B":
hostname=           # Hostname or IP address
datadir=/data1/mysql-cluster   # Directory for this data node's data files

# SQL node options:
hostname=           # Hostname or IP address
                                # (additional mysqld connections can be
                                # specified for this node for various
                                # purposes such as running ndb_restore)

[root@testvm1 etc]# chown -R mysql. /etc/config.ini

7. Initial Startup of MySQL Cluster

7.1. management node ndb_mgmd 실행

  • mysql direcotry : /db/mysql 에서 실행 (mysql user)
[mysql@testvm1 etc]$ cd /db/mysql
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f /etc/config.ini --configdir=/data1/mysql-cluster
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ ps -ef | grep ndb
mysql    11919     1  0 16:12 ?        00:00:00 ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f /db/mysql/conf/config.ini --configdir=/data1/mysql-cluster
mysql    11934 11638  0 16:13 pts/4    00:00:00 grep ndb
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> show
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s)
id=2 (not connected, accepting connect from
id=3 (not connected, accepting connect from

[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)
id=1 @  (mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7)

[mysqld(API)] 1 node(s)
id=4 (not connected, accepting connect from

7.2. data node ndbd 실행

  • mysql direcotry : /db/mysql 에서 실행 (mysql user)
[mysql@testvm3 mysql]$ ./bin/ndbd
2014-11-01 16:34:11 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to ''
2014-11-01 16:34:11 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 2
[mysql@testvm4 mysql]$ ./bin/ndbd
2014-11-01 16:43:28 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to ''
2014-11-01 16:43:28 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 3

7.3. sql node mysqld 실행

  • mysql direcotry : /db/mysql 에서 실행 (mysql user)
[mysql@testvm2 mysql]$ ./bin/mysqld_safe &
[1] 26070
[mysql@testvm2 mysql]$ 141111 16:40:18 mysqld_safe Logging to '/data1/mysql-cluster/testvm2.err'.
141111 16:40:18 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /data1/mysql-cluster

7.4. 다 띄웠으면 ndb_mgm에서 확인

  • ndb_mgm
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> show
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s)
id=2 @  (mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7, Nodegroup: 0, *)
id=3 @  (mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7, Nodegroup: 0)

[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)
id=1 @  (mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7)

[mysqld(API)] 1 node(s)
id=4 @  (mysql-5.6.21 ndb-7.3.7)

8. Safe Shutdown and Restart of MySQL Cluster

8.1. shutdown

  • ndb_mgm -e shutdown를 통해서 shutdown 할 수 있다. 이 커맨드는 ndb_mgm, ndb_mgmd, and any ndbd or ndbmtd processes 를 gracefully 종료시킨다. SQL nodes 는 따로 mysqladmin shutdown 등을 통해 종료시켜야함.
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e shutdown
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
3 NDB Cluster node(s) have shutdown.
Disconnecting to allow management server to shutdown.
[mysql@testvm2 mysql]$ ./bin/mysqladmin shutdown -uroot --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
141111 17:37:06 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /data1/mysql-cluster/ ended
[1]+  Done                    ./bin/mysqld_safe
[mysql@testvm2 mysql]$

8.2. restart

  • 잘되는거 같으니 PATH 넣고 다시 시작해서 잘 사용해보면 되겠다.
[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ vi ~/.bash_profile

[mysql@testvm1 mysql]$ . ~/.bash_profile